Happy Birthday, Helen Fritch

Today, we remember and honor one of the Vail Valley’s most inspirational leaders. Betty Ford Alpine Gardens’ founder, Helen Fritch and former first lady, Betty Ford, breaking ground on a new garden with early Gardens’ visionary Marty Jones watched over by Bloomin Bear.

Helen Fritch - Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
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Helen Fritch Endowment Fund

Helen Fritch, founder, former Gardens’ board president, will always be remembered by her friends and family for her kind, compassionate and gracious spirit. She encouraged and inspired everyone who knew her. Her motto was: “If you don’t like the way things are going, get involved and help make a change.” Now, her daughters are ensuring her spirit of generosity continues with this fund.

The Helen Fritch Endowment Fund was created by the daughters of our founder to continue their mom’s spirit of dedication to these Gardens. Because the gifts to endowment are invested and only the dividends are spent, this type of gift can transform an organization.  Endowment gifts create a legacy of support in perpetuity and ensure the ongoing core stability of Betty Ford Alpine Gardens.

How the Gardens began

Helen and Bob Fritch with former board president, June Vanourek and Deanne Hall when Helen received the Spirit of Betty Ford Award.

Jeanne Fritch, Leslie Chapman and Nancy Fritch created this endowment fund because they believe, as their mom did, it is important to invest in the foundation of the organization to ensure its strength and longevity.

Betty Ford Alpine Gardens houses one of the most important collections of alpine flora in the world and is leading a national action to protect North America’s alpine flora. The endowment protects the Gardens in perpetuity and supports this work on an ongoing basis.

There is an opportunity for an endowment match again this year. If Betty Ford Alpine Gardens raises $30,000 for the Helen Fritch Endowment Fund Matching challenge, these donations will all be matched.

If you or your family are willing to be a part of this special opportunity, perhaps to celebrate or honor someone you love, please review our information on ways to give.

We wish you many moments of connection with the people you love in this season of harvest time and remembrance for those we treasure.

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