This winter, Senior Horticulturist, Colin Lee is growing from seed in our new greenhouse space. This provides our garden with an amazing opportunity to get a jumpstart on growing and producing our own unique and rare plants during the cold winter months to help supplement and advance our plant collections. He is experimenting with different types and styles of seed sowing methods to expand our Colorado alpines, Primulas, Gentianas and Penstemon collections. As specialty nurseries continue to close, growing our own plants gives the Gardens a source for some of the more unusual and rare plants in our collection. Seed sowing has started.

This winter we will be growing Trollius albiflorus in the greenhouse from seed (left photo) to add to our collections. Trollius is in the Ranunculaceae family, AKA, the buttercup family and is also known by its common name white globe flower (middle photo). This species can be found in Colorado’s subalpine meadows, wetlands and openings throughout spring and summer. The middle image shows our senior horticultist bareroot transplanting some of the seedlings. The last photo is what these small black seeds will turn into when they grow in our garden.